• Definition: / (ˈmɪdˈwɛst) / noun. the North central part of the US; the region consisting of the states from Ohio westwards that border on the Great Lakes, often extended to include the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys.

  • Definition: / (ˈpranə) / noun. (in Oriental medicine, martial arts, etc) cosmic energy believed to come from the sun and connecting the elements of the universe. As a measure of energy + time.

  • Definition: A market, often outdoors, consisting of a number of individual stalls selling old or used articles, curios and antiques, cut-rate merchandise, etc.

To be from the Midwest is special

to be able to experience the Midwest is special

The north coast carries the same energy and vibrations I felt during my time in L.A. at those flea markets so we created a sacred space

- MPFM -

to harness it all.

As an artist, creator and entrepreneur originally from Ohio spending my 20s in Los Angeles…I often times felt stuck in my inability to socialize, network, promote myself or my art, or place myself in the right spaces to create opportunities or collaborate with others in a space that wasn’t a club or bar.


in that time I felt a surge of energy and vibrations in attending the Melrose Flea Market (every Sunday) and the Rose Bowl Flea Market (once a month) that inspired me as a person but also as an artist.